Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Good Hair Day

I am having an amazing day.  Whether my hair is actually good or not, I have no idea.  Not that it matters much either because I just throw it up in a ponytail anyway.  My day started off with a shower as usual.  The ipod gods were with me this morning because some of the best, most energetic songs popped up on the shuffle function.  There’s nothing better than rocking out to your favoirte songs in the shower.  Then I diddled around a bit because I woke up early enough to have time to do that, did a load of laundry, and grabbed my mom a popsicle.  She’s sick, so she’s not having as great a time as I am today.
As I was driving to class, the radio decided to play some great sing as loud as you possibly can with the volume cranked up music.  That was fun.  The only bad things to happen today were me talking to my car insurance company, and Margarita (my biology instructor) left a picture of the inside of human stomach up on the projector too long so I had to look at it while I was trying to drink my breakfast.  That was a little funny though now that I think about it.  I’m not sure if my good mood is because of all these things or if I’ve noticed all these things because of my good mood.  There’s no terrific reason for why I’m happy to day; I just love that I am.

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