Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Catch Up

Haven’t Blogged in a while, but I’ve been thinking about ideas to blog about for weeks.  Here is just a quick catchup on what my life has been like.  It’ll have everything from hillarious moments to stressful situations, so enjoy.
The Kegs Drive-In opened up on Thursday, so now I am officaially working three jobs and trying to juggle my classes.  I am happy that the Kegs opened.  I have worked there since I was twelve years old.  There was a time way back when I hit puberty and the hormones went crazy that I absolutely hated it.  See, my aunt, uncle, and mom own it and when I was fourteen I did not want to be around, let alone work for, family.  My uncle can also be a bit hard to work with at times if he’s on nicotine withdrawls, but to be fair, who isn’t?  Anyway, now I love it.  I carhopped on Saturday and got roughly eight dollars in tips.  Most of that went into my deposite, tuba, and Gibson funds.  Working at the Kegs is great.  All sorts of old people come in a talk about their childhoods and there are no better sloppy joes in town.
A few weeks ago I went to the doctors office because I got really sick.  I thought I had strep and went to get a throat culture.  Anyway, you know how doctors take a stethascope and have you take deep breaths so they can listen to it?  Well, I couldn’t stop laughing while he was trying to do that.  When I’m sick, I get extremely giggly, goofy, and I’m completely out of it.  All I could think about when I was taking those deep breaths was Howie Mandel blowing up a glove with his nose.  If you’ve ever watched him do it, it’s pretty weird.  With each inhale I took for the doctor, I started to laugh harder.  He kept asking me, "Are you sure you’re sick?"  It was pretty hilarious in my book.
So, I’ve decided to only take classes in the fall semesters.  Of course, I have to check with the VA regulations and make sure that’s okay.  Ever since kintergarden I’ve had a huge problem with staying on task in the spring.  There’s too much that goes on in my life.  I’ve got spring fever.  I get bored with school by that time, and I’m working at the Kegs.  I have to stay on top of things for this semester though.  Right now I’m dangerously close to failing my Human Biology class.  Thank god I’m not failing comp; I was worried about that class.  There’s still one big paper, and I can handle that.  Creative writting’s going well considering, and I just need to work on my Psych paper.  Basically it’s the same stuff I’ve blogged about before.
So, I need a new journal.  I filled up my old one and it went to my journal graveyard in the back of my closet.  I think there’s over fourty of them in there.  And yes, I know I need a life.  Anyway, it’s been driving me crazy that I haven’t been able to journal.  Blogging and writting random blips in my school notebook are not the same.  I need a place where I can put down my thoughts in a place that I feel my thoughts belong.  It’s weird.  When I buy a journal, it has to be perfect.  The cover has to reflect a part of me and my personalitly.  The inside has to have the right kind of lines that aren’t do dark so I can doodle if I want, and it has to be just the right size.  I can’t get into the writing if it’s not.  Crazy and Insane, I know.  Okay, maybe not crazy, just my OCD shining through brightly.  Speaking of writing, I realized the other day that I adore the smell of ink.  It’s one of my favorite smells in the world.  Why?  I think it’s because it always reminds me of writing.  It brings back memories of all my stories and journals.  Also, if I can smell the ink coming off the page, it means that I’m writing a lot and there’s no writer’s block.  So it’s a good thing.  Maybe I want to be a writer.  Of course, then I’d have to stay at Dairy Queen too, but who cares?  I already figured out that I’d be working a few minimum wage jobs for most of my life.
Lastly, the circus was in town this weekend.  I worked the spotlights for a couple extra bucks.  For three shows I got twenty five dollars.  Not bad for about two hour shows, huh?  Anyway, my friends dad is a shiner and that’s how I ended up with the job.  Honestly, I did a horrible job with the spots.  I’m not a spot person.  I’ve always been a video person.  Not that I completely sucked, but I ghosted and saucered all over the place.  Ghosting is when there’s a little faint light coming from the spot and saucering is when you move from one place to the other without fading out.  I liked the show though, and it was fun to see it many times.  I also got to take my picture with Hanz.  He was this guy who was built like a truck and did this wheel thing.  It was my favorite act besides seeing the Elephants, but that’s just because I think Elephants are cute.  Anyway, all in all the circus was great.
There’s my ramblings of things I’ve forgotten to blog about.  I hope you enjoyed it, and if now well, sorry.

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