Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Late Night Solidtude

I figured I should blog about something, but I don’t really know what.  I’m in the writing mood, but nothing particularly comes to mind.  This is when I write best too.  It’s late at night, and I’m sitting wrapped up in my second favorite blanket on the couch.  All the lights are off except for the glow of my television, computer screen, and the lamp on the side table.  It’s giving off a nice glow that turns the whole room a yellowish orange color.
The late night/early morning is my favorite part of the day.  A good chunk of my friends can’t even stay up as late as I can sometimes.  Even though I know it’s not true, I feel as if I’m the only one awake in the entire universe- the moon and the stars right there with me whispering inspiration.  At night is when I write, make music (as long as it’s not the tuba, people get mad), and even finish papers for school.  I like the time to myself, which is weird because I normally hate being alone.
I have something I need to add to my very first blog post, but I’d rather not go edit it.  My first blog was an assignment for creative writing titled Why Write?  I write because I don’t have a filter between my brain and my mouth.  I’ll say whatever pops into my head, and most times it sounds stupid.  When I write, I can think about what I want to express so that I don’t sound stupid and I get out what I truly meant to say.

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