Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Minimum Wage

Right now I’m watching a thirty days video for my composition class, and I don’t know what to think.  I mean, I’ve seen Super Size me, and I’ve watched a few thirty days episodes.  I don’t like watching Morgan Spurlock doing this.  It almost seems like he’s mocking all the people that have to make a living off of seven bucks an hour.  I mean, I understand that he’s trying to show the world what it’s like and everything, but after the thirty days are up what happens?  He and his fiance get to go back to whatever they have.  It’s just a game to them.
There are people who really have to live on what they get, and not just college students.  I don’t really care if they get to see into the world of poverty for a month.  I also don’t like that they took some of the stuff from the charity place.  They have money; it’s just that they aren’t using it for a month.  Are they feeling the true stress of what it’s like?  No, once it’s over they can pay off whatever debt they created and move on.  It’s just a thirty day game.  Wow, I’m going to stop rambling now, stop being pissed off, and go back to watching the episode.  Also, I should probably save some of this for my essay.
EDIT: Okay, I’m not sure what that was.  I just got really stressed out from watching that video, and I understand what the point was.  Documentarists put themselves in other people’s shoes all the time.  Why should this time have made me so angry?  It shouldn’t have.  They got to discover what it’s like on a minimum wage job, and I know they probably returned all the stuff they got.  So, I’m better now.

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