Wednesday, August 11, 2010


North Dakota is funny, isn’t it?  On Tuesday there’s a blizzard, and the same week I can take my bike out for the first ride of the year.
I love my bike, and I love the feeling I get when I ride it.  In middle school I could go anywhere or do anything with my bike, and I didn’t need my mom to drive me there.  It was pure independence!  Now I love the feeling I get when the endorphins release or whatever.  If the weather’s not too hot, I’d rather take my bike out then drive.  In fact, in the summer I’ll spend all day riding around town with nothing but a big jug of water and my backpack.
The snow is melting!  Spring is in five or four days, depending on which way you look at it.  I hope it doesn’t blizzard again.  I think I’d cry.  Yesterday, I took my bike out.  I started out heading to my grandparents, but my tires were flat.  It didn’t help that I was trying to push through slush.  Half way through I gave up and walked it.  My grandpa thought I was crazy, for driving at night.  I swear, if you asked him who is insane granddaughter was, he’d say me.
Anyway, it was great.  I was soak and wet by the time I got home, but it was worth it.  My legs are soar today from the ride, but I can’t wait to be riding everyday.  I even plan to bike to school a few times.  I just have to figure out how long it will take me.
Sping’s here!  Time for playing catch.  Time for bike riding.  Time for four square.  Time for the Japanese Garden.  And it’s almost time for the Kegs to open.  HECK YES!

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