Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wisdom Teeth and an Apartment... I Guess I'm Growing Up

So I sign a lease for my first apartment on Monday.  I’m finally moving out of my mother’s apartment.  I’m not sure how I feel.  I don’t know if I’m sad, if I’m excited, nervous.  I sort of don’t feel anything on way or the other right now.  It is what I want to do though, I know that for sure.  I’m sure if we are free to move in on Monday, I’ll be spending it cleaning.  I plan to make a list… I do that a lot.  A list of all the things we have to clean, which will be easy because it’s everything.  I am glad that there is all new carpet.  When we went to go look at the place, we had to imagine it with carpet in it because the floor was bare- tac strips and everything.  I plan to have the place ready to move in within a day or two.  I’ll take the bathroom, maybe the kitchen.  There’s also windows, vacuuming, scrubbing the walls, ceiling, closets, door knobs.  It’ll be fun.
If I have any concern at all it’s what I’m going to do once school starts.  Two jobs and school.  I’ve done it before, but now there’s a real reason for work and a paycheck.  I’ll have to find another one as soon as the Kegs closes… maybe even before.  I’m not going to put more stress on myself than I have to, and certainly not in the spring since I definitely know I can’t handle that.
The good new is the apartment isn’t that smaller than the one I’m living in now.  My room would only be a bit smaller.  I wonder how it will be living in an apartment for Kailin and Kelsey since they’ve lived in houses for most, if not all of their lives.  I’ll have to remember to ask them about that later.  So, the question is can I move in with two of my best friends?  So far everyone’s said no.  Here’s my thinking though on that, and please don’t think I’m naive by thinking our friendships are stronger than anyone else’s.  I don’t.  Kelsey and I are together pretty much from the time we wake up until one in the morning every day anyway.  We work together, we hang out together, we do our homework together.  It’s crazy really.  So, I’m thinking that it should work.  There’s three separate bedroom so we each can have our space when (and not if) we need it.  And, I think our friendship is at least strong enough that if this doesn’t work out, we can get over it after we move out.  And hey, if I’m moving in with two of the bulbs, that means I’ll have The Quilt around for nine months out of the year!
What will I miss about my mommy and this apartment that I’m sitting right now?  Quite a lot I’m sure.  There’s big yard out front where I can play catch and other games.  There’s the fact that my mom is here.  I’m worried about leaving her.  I hope she will get a puppy when I leave.  That’s what I’m trying to convince her to do at least.  Anyway, I’ll also miss the free food, free rent, free insulin, free random things here and there.  I’m sure I’ll miss my room, even though it will have all my junk.  And I’m sure I’ll miss my mommy most of all.

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