Wednesday, August 11, 2010

19 Year Old Girls Alone in an Apartment with Horror Movies

Last night was one of the strangest nights I have ever experienced, and it is pretty much all because of Stephen King.  It started out with my roomate going out and buying The Shining, which I love by the way.  But we watched it last night, and for some reason it freaked me out more than it ever has.  I think it’s because I watched the full version for the first time and not the edited television version.  That can make a huge difference, let me tell you.
Anyway, the movie gave me the creeps, but it also got my two roomates freaked out as well.  After the movie, no one wanted to wander down our hallway by themselves, and we all decided we were going to stay up and keep each other company for a while… which is weird because horror/suspense movies don’t usually do that to me.
After talking for a bit, we heard pounding outside.  Someone was knocking on our neighbors balcony door.  That freaked us out, but then after a little bit we heard pounding on the neighbors front door.  Kailin and I are snoops, so we were looking out our peep hole trying to figure out what was going on, but then we heard this huge pounding noise.  The two of us jumped and ran about ten feet away from the door.  Kelsey just laughed at us, even though she didn’t want to get close to the door.
Once the pounding quite for a while, we relaxed.  Then came the strange noises from outside.  We peeked out our balcony and there a few guys downstairs.  Kelsey looked over at the apartment across from us and there was a guy standing at his window.  He yelled over to us, "Hey, come out here."  Which, by the way, is really creepy.  We figured he was just as confused about all the noise outside as we were though, and he may have thought it was us.
Anyway… sometime later a guy knocked on our door.  I freaked out and ran into my bedroom, but Kailin slowly answered the door.  The guy wanted to borrow our phone because his drunk friend locked him out and he thought he was passed out in the bathroom or something.  That’s why he was pounding on the door- to try and get his friend up.  However, he realized he didn’t know his friends number and said, "Nevermind thanks anyway."  Technology is so great isn’t it?  Speed dial and contact list have caused our memories to go numb.
Soon after he managed to be let in to the apartment.  We heard yelling from the other side, and considered calling the cops.  But the yelling soon died down and stopped completely.  I think it’s funny though.  Stuff like that happens in our apartment all the time.  We used to have really obnoxious loud neighbors that came home at one o’clock in the morning, usually drunk.  I wouldn’t have given any of what happened last night a second thought if it weren’t for that stupid movie… well maybe the pounding or the guy in the apartment building across from us… I guess scary movies will do that to a person.

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