Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Walk to End All Walks

Kelsey, Kailin, Penny, and I went on a walk last night.  It wasn’t originally planned to last as long as it did; we just kept walking a little further, and then a little further.  We circled around our neighborhood for a little bit, walked around campus for a while, and then to the marching band practice field.  Somewhere in there we stopped at a gas station for water and I got some food because I started to get hungry.  I’m so proud of Penny.  For a nearly three month old puppy, she’s a trooper.  She didn’t even seem tired until we got home.  I won’t be taking her on a walk of that length again anytime soon.
I love walks, especially at night and especially with my friends.  We used to do it at sleepovers all the time.  Usually it was just Kayla, Kailin, Kelsey and I.  Kailin and Kayla walking up ahead together; Kelsey and I side by side.  Sometimes we’d go down dark streets with no lights and talk about how spooky it was.  There were times we’d talk about really deep things like problems we were going through, things that were happening in the world, or just life in general.  Most times though it was conversations about Family Guy, Buffy, story characters, randomness, and a little bit of gossip thrown in there.
Last night was fun, even though I thought my legs were going to die.  We walked over the overpass and I started talking about how my town can seem very peaceful and how if I just stop and look around a bit, it’s not that bad.  I don’t want to live here.  I’d rather live in New York or something, but I don’t have the guts to just up and move.  While walking down street, I saw a lot of great photo opportunities.  I wish I would have brought my camera.  I’ve never seen the campus at night before.  It’s really pretty too.  I guess I just think everything more beautiful at night.  There’s just something about it.  Kailin kept complaining that UND should put outdoor drinking fountains around campus.  We decided we should write a complaint letter and saying they should put some up.  Some of the things we’d put in there would be, "It was like the effing Sahara out there and there was no water.  My friend doesn’t even go to this school and she was very upset."  I said Kelsey should add how she does go to the school and pays them lots of money.  She said, "Yeah so give me my free water, bitch."  Kailin mentioned that if anyone got a complaint letter like that they would either throw it away or pin it up on the bulletin board.
By the time we got to the gas station, I was exhausted and I really had to go to the bathroom.  So Kelsey stayed with Penny while Kailin and I went inside.  We also grabbed some water and some food.  It’s weird, but after getting the chance to relieve myself I got a second wind.  So did Kailin.  We walked to the practice field and hung out there for a bit.  The mosquitos were terrible.  Imagine that, mosquitos out at night in North Dakota.
We eventually called my friend Ritter to come pick us up.  Good thing we did too, because the second we got in the car it started to rain.  It was only a sprinkle though and didn’t last very long.  I have a blister on the back of my ankle because I chose not to wear socks.  I had no idea we would be going that far.  For the most part I enjoyed myself last night, even though it was tiring.  The good news is Penny slept though the night.  She’s still out now.  I’d like to go on a walk like that again with friends, but just not that far.

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