Thursday, August 12, 2010

Steaven Jr.

Meet my newborn nephew, Steaven Jr.  He’s named after my brother, his daddy of course.  I think he’s beautiful, which is saying something because I think most new born babies look funny and squished.  I wonder if I’ll ever get to meet him some day.  I’d like to, but I have yet to meet my two neices… I think there’s only two.  I feel so disconnected from my dad’s side of the family all the way over here in lonely North Dakota.  I got their address so I can send this baby quilt I’m making for the baby.  I should be able to finish it up tomorrow and get it in the mail Monday morning.  It’s turning out cute.
I wonder what this baby boy will grow up to be.  I wonder how much he will test his parents patience through his terrible twos and then again when he’s a teenager.  Will he be creative, athletic, a genius, good with cars, or maybe a wonderful cook?  How many girl’s hearts will he break?  Will he succeed at everything he tries in life or will he have to work harder than most?  How will he do in school?  What will his favorite subjects be?  What will he grow up to be?  Doctor, lawyer, famous athlete, author, video game designer, or bum?
I think it’s amazing how we all start out so small.  We’re just a small, wriggly, chubby ball wrapped up tight in a blanket.  Then branch out.  We develop skills that make us all unique and take on traits that give us different personalities.  I definitely want to have a child of my own some day.  Not right now of course; I can barely take care of myself, but definitely some day.

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