Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuckered Out

This weekend was really interesting.  I got to watch the dogs while my mom and grandparents went to Minot for a funeral.  It was exhausting.  Don’t get me wrong, I love both of them, but they fight a lot.  Also, the two are very jealous of each other.  Poor Blizten.  He probably thinks no one loves him anymore.
Anyway, I brought Charlee over to my grandparents and spent the night there.  For the most part everything went well.  The two dogs played- Blitzen would pull Charlee around on the tug of war rope, but every once in a while they’d start to fight.  Blitzen gets very mad at Charlee, and I would too.  I mean, here’s this small little puppy invading his space and taking all the attention.
Charlee’s kind of rude.  She’ll run under a chair where Blitzen can’t get at her.  Then she’ll snap at him.  I think she deserves to get barked and growled at when that happens.  At one point I sat down on the floor with the two of them, and Charlee crawled into my lap.  I started to pet her; Blizten threw a fit.  He started barking and everything.  Eventually he just sat down in my lap right on top of Charlee.  My lap has been Blitzen’s spot ever since he was a puppy.
There’s a game they like to play… well it’s not really a game so much as Blitzen being a bully.  Blizten will chase Charlee under the bed.  Then he’ll jump up on top of the bed and not Charlee come out from under.  It’s pretty cute to watch.
The night is when the real problems started.  They both like to cuddle throughout the night.  Charlee would jump up on the couch ready to curl up with me.  Next thing I know there’s a jealous 110 lb German Shepherd on top of me trying to push her off.  The couch is definitely big enough for all three of us.  I don’t see why we just couldn’t have shared.  Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night.  And in the morning I found the thing that my grandma places under her rug to keep it from sliding/scratching completely ripped into shreds.  I wasn’t happy about picking that mess up.
On the last night I was there, both puppies were exhausted from playing and lack of sleep.  It was so adorable.  Charlee was passed out under the rocking chair and Blizen could barely keep his eyes open on the couch.  I was happy though.  Finally I could rest.  I think I would have rather babysat a bunch of five year olds than those two dogs.

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