Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Wow, it’s been a bit since my last blog.  Anyway… What is art?  I hate that question.  Every art teacher I’ve ever had has insisted on asking it.  There is no clear definition, and yes I get that’s the point and everything.  Everyone knows what art is, it’s just that people differ on the details.  I like art… who doesn’t right?  I don’t think there’s a person out there who doesn’t like some form.
My Humanities class went to the art museum the other day.  I haven’t been there in a while, but I’m pretty glad I went.  There were some things I thought were kind of lame, but I liked the majority of the pieces.  There were about five or so that I really enjoyed.  One of my favorites was a sculpture of a guitar made from steel.
It’s been a while since I’ve painted anything, but I’m working on a new project to brighten up our apartment a bit.  I’m going to paint three pictures.  One will be of Blitzen.  One will be of Lucy and Buffy, Kelsey’s dogs, and the last one will be of Abner and Daisy, which are Kailin’s.  I like the idea.  I just hope that they’ll turn out and actually look like the dogs.  Abner will be fun.  He’s got the colors I like to paint with.

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