Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sophomore Year

My sophmore year of high school was way more dramatic then it needed to be.  Everyone was so depressed and edgy.  People were falling in love with other people all over the place.  When someone broke up with someone, it broke their heart into pieces.  Nothing could be taken lightly.  Eveything that happened was a huge deal and everyone needed to know what one was going through.  I laugh about it now, but then it was so serious.
I read my blog from high school, and I thought wow, did I really post this stuff.  Was I really this angsty and depressing.  The answer is yes.  I’m sure I was really annoying.  It also brought back a few good memories that I had forgotten about like going to a baseball game with Kelsey and Mykel.  Mykel talked in his sleep and told us his name was Squirtle.  The three of us shared a bed too, and I’m not quite sure how we did it.  Then there was the MSN incident with Kelsey.  She was talking to a boy she liked and jokingly I leaned over and typed in "She thinks you’re hot."  Kelsey freaked out and pushed me away from the computer and acidentally pushed the send button.  How embarrassing is that?  She managed to tell him that her friend was being an idiot and sent it as a joke.
Most of those things happened during my sophmore year.  Those were great times even with all the dramatic event that we were mostly creating in our heads.  The theatre kept us all busy with tech or acting stuff.  We’d hang out all the time too.  I remember going swimming in Mykel’s pool.  I remember Kelsey, Megahn, and I dressing up in Mykel’s cloths while he wore my skirt and we walked to Taco Bell’s.  I remember hanging out at the Japanese garden.  I remember all our nicknames.  Kelsey being Ice.  Mykel being Airhead.  Megahn being Essay, and me as Tink.  Those names still pop up every now and then.  I remember fighting with Mykel on Valentine’s day over stupid things.
I also remember our trips to the Urban and loitering around down town- on the parking ramp, on top of building that we shouldn’t have been on.  One time Kelsey jumped off the top of the Parking ramp onto a landing about six feet below.  She got stuck and we had a hard time pulling her back up.  I have the whole thing on tape.  There are lots of great things I have on tape.  I carried my camera with me everywhere then.
I remember hanging out in apartment hallways, thinking we were cool.  I remember watching the same movies over and over again because they were the only ones we could agree on- Not Another Teen Movie and South Park.  I remember cutting class to go hang out in the practice rooms in the music department or the theatre.  Oh and of course who could forget about Burgland’s room.  She was our favorite teacher.  At times I felt she was the only one who understood anything.  We used to sit on the floor in her classroom after she told us that we no longer had a seating chart and could sit wherever we wanted.
I had to delete that high school blog, but that’s okay.  There were only about ten posts on it anyway.  There was too much stuff that I freaked out about… things I vented about that I probably should’ve kept to myself.  There was nothing I wouldn’t have said to someone’s face, nothing I didn’t say to people’s face.  It’s just they should have been put down in a private journal somewhere and not released into cyberspace.  It’s okay though I think.  I’ve learned from that, and I still kept the more important thoughts to myself.  It’s always good to have a filter.

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