Thursday, August 12, 2010

100th Blog

This is my hundredth blog.  I’m a little ashamed to say it has taken me over one year to get to this point.  I always wish I wrote more.  I can think of lots of excuses as to why I don’t.  There’s never enough time.  Too much is going on.  My mom’s dog ate my computer cord.  It really bothers me that if you look at my blog archive December 2009 is missing.
I really do like blogging, even if I don’t think anyone reads it.  As much as I love journaling, it seems easier to type everything out than write it.  Although, there is something to be said with the connection between the writer and physically writing something out with a pen and paper.  I had this pointed out to me in creative writing class once and I think it makes a lot of sense.  It almost seems more therapeutic to write it down in a notebook.  That could also be because I’m not afraid of a notebook.  My blog’s out there for anyone to read.
That’s one thing I’ve never been very good at- opening up.  I have noticed my blogs getting more and more personal as I get more comfortable, but I still censor them.  I do that in my stories too.  That’s just me.  One day you’ll read one of these blogs and it will be an explosion of emotions that are inside of my head.
All this really brings me back to my first blog for creative writing- Why Write?  I write to not explode with emotion.  I’m good at getting angry at others.  I’m really good at that.  Just ask my friends, but I’m not so good with sharing my true feelings.  I do that best in writing.  Whether I want to share those writings with others is a completely different story.  I also write so that my imagination has somewhere to go.  All in all, I’m pretty glad that my creative writing teacher had us start these blogs.  I’ve had blogs before, but never ones that I’ve kept up with.  I really like this cite and I like enjoy reading what everyone has to say on it as well.

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