Thursday, August 12, 2010

Where Passion Meets Obsession

I have never felt like this before.  I want to become a published author.  Not just an article in a magazine or a short story for Chicken Soup or something like that.  I want to publish a book, a novel.  There’s one problem.  I don’t have the thing written yet.  Why couldn’t my brain have said, "Hey, Ashley, you should write a novel."  Why did it have to go write to the publishing idea?  I want to do it more than anything.  I believe I could acomplish it.
I have the idea.  It would be an extenstion of "Life Sucks," a short story I wrote for creative writing.  The same class that I started this blog for.  At work today writing this was all I could think about.  Publishing it was all I could think about.  It was so bad, that by the time I was off work I had a headache.  I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was in second grade.  My aunt Nancy told me once that writting’s just a hobby.  I’ve never forgotten that, but at this moment in my life it is the only thing I can see myself doing.
I don’t even know how to go about trying to get a book published.  So many questions pop in my head like how to get something copyrighted.  Or where do I find a publisher.  Or how to write a query letter.  I really wished I would have saved some of the hand outs we got from creative writing.  I’d at least have some sort of clue as to what I’m doing.
I have to slow down.  I know that.  I don’t even have this thing written yet.  I’m thinking it’ll take a while.  I’m thinking some time around three months if I can truely dedicate myself to this.  On top of that, I have no idea if it will suck or not.  What I need to do is finally buy a computer charger so I can get to work on writting this sucker.  That’s my first goal.  I’m going to forget about the idea of publishing and just focus on writting.  If this novel idea doesn’t work out though, I’d like to try to get a short story or poem published.  It’s been my dream since I was little, and I think it would be good for me.

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