Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sheer Stupidity... But I'd do it Again

A few days ago- Tuesday I think- it there was a blizzard outside.  It’s name was Coyote I think.  That’s what my mom told me at least.  Anyway… I hate blizzards.  Not because I mind the snow or the cold.  I’d rather be cold than hot any day, but it’s because I can’t do anything.  I don’t like the feeling of being stuck in the house.  On Tuesday this was a particularly bad feeling because it was my spring break.  How was I spending it?  Stuck inside with mom who didn’t have to work because they closed down the public schools.
I couldn’t take much more of the cabin fever, so I decided to drive to my friend Kelsey’s house and we could watch the movieSex Drive.  I was on my way to pick her up; my car never even made it out of the parking lot.  Instead, it got stuck in a snow bank.  Well, I wasn’t about to go back inside, feeling defeated.  I’m much too stubborn for that!  I went upstairs told my mom I was walking to Kelsey’s.  My mom said I could not go out when we couldn’t even see across the street.  I told her it was too bad.  I was eighteen and I could make my own dumb decisions/mistakes.  However, I did do it in the most respectful way possible.  My mom, knowing my stubbornness, sighed and said, "You’d better take my boots then, and call me once you get there.
I bundled up in a sweatshit, jacket, a headband for my ears, a beanie, a scarf, my moms boots, and my mittens.  I zipped up my jacket all the way and put on both the hoods.  My mom helped me get my ipod hooked up under my hat, and away I went.
The walk there wasn’t bad.  I didn’t even get cold- if anything a little warm.  As I was walking along, I couldn’t really see more than ten feet in front of me.  I felt like some sort of explorer or something.  Crossing the streets was a bit scary though, so I’d stop and wait at them forever before I decided it was okay to cross.  When I got onto Washington Street, one of the busier streets in our town, I had to stop in the middle because the light turned red on me.  That was a bit scary.  There I was standing in the middle of the street, with now building cover and the wind was blowing like crazy.  I thought I was going to fall over.  Thankfully I didn’t.
It took me almost an hour to walk to my friends house, which was only two miles.  Kelsey and her family thought I was crazy.  They didn’t let me walk home, but I would have.  The weather had lightened considerably in the time I was there.  We watched out movie and talked a little bit.  Her dad drove me home when it was time for me to go.
I had a lot of fun on the walk, and I realize it was stupid.  But it was also a lot of fun.  The experience was worth it.  I don’t think I’d go out in anything much worse than that though.  That would really be dumb.
Here’s a text conversation I had with Kelsey before, during, and after my adventure:
     Kelsey: If you had your phone on then you could
     come over if you got a ride.
     Ashley: I’d have to walk.
     Kelsey: I just don’t want you to walk outside.
     Ashley: Who the hell cares?
     Kelsey: I do. You’ll be freezing.
     Ashley: Just because you’re a pansy when it     comes to cold weather, doesn’t mean everyone
     else is.
     Kelsey: Your mom will let you walk over here?
     Ashley: It’s not like she’ll say no, and if she
     does, I’ll just leave
     Kelsey: I can’t see my neighbors houses from my
     windows and you think you will be fine? 
     Ashley: Yeah
     Kelsey: I’d feel a lot better if you had a ride
     over here
     Kelsey: Did you get that?
     Ashley: Yeah, but I don’t have a ride so oh
     Kelsey: Well… I just had a horrible thought
     Ashley: Huh?
     Kelsey: I basically thought about calling Chad
     for a ride but that is kinda mean
     Ashley: No, I’m still waiting from the okay
     from you though
     Kelsey: My mom says you can’t come over if you
     are going to walk. Where do you think I get
     that side of me?
     Ashley: Tell her I’m already half way there.
     Kelsey: Are you?
     Kelsey: You there?
     Kelsey: Ashley?
     Kelsey: Why aren’t you answering?
     Kelsey: Ashley!
     Kelsey: ASHLEY
     Ashley: I can’t hear anything
     Kelsey: Why?
     Kelsey: I’m yes confused
     Ashley: Can I come in?
     Kelsey: Where are you?
     Ashley: Olive
     Kelsey: You are crazy!
     Ashley: Yes? No?
     Ashley: I can leave then.
     Kelsey: Get in here!

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