Thursday, August 12, 2010

Best BK Experience

Okay, before you read this know that I am not complaining.  I actually found the whole experience rather funny.  Kelsey and I swung through the Burger King drive-through tonight.  I got my usual- a double cheeseburger meal.  Only I got apple fries instead of my usual onion rings.  I changed my order at the last minute and I think I got the lady a bit confused.
Anyway, we pull up to the window.  I gave my money to Kelsey and she payed the lady.  Then she handed us my food and walked away.  She forgot to hand us my diet coke.  So we’re waiting outside the drive window for a while and staring awkwardly inside.  This was a time when there were no other costumers around so no one noticed us.
As we were awkwardly staring into the window, we watched two employees have what looked like an argument.  One person was really pissed off and the other person looked like she was going to cry.  But then the person who looked like she was going to cry smiled.  Kelsey and I decided they were having a conversation about an annoying customer or something.  Anyway, soon those two departed and went into the back.  We were both laughing and saying, "No, come back."  Kelsey and I waited a little bit and finally I honked Kelsey’s horn… no one heard it.  Then she leaned out of her car window and knocked on the window… still nothing.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that a really confused looking guy looked out the window at us.  Then he went into the back for a bit, and a lady came and opened the window, "Did you need something?" she asked.  Kelsey explained that we didn’t get our diet coke.  She didn’t say anything after that.  She didn’t even apologize or anything, but she did get me the diet coke.  That bothered me a little bit.  I probably would have said something like, "You didn’t?  Oh, sorry.  Here you go."  But whatever, at least I got my diet coke.  Like I said, the whole thing was more funny than anything.  I was laughing the whole time.

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