Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Random Thoughts for the Day

School’s starting soon… just got my letter from Northland in the mail.  I wonder what it will be like going to school and living on my own at the same time.  Probably not too different than the summer.  I’m trying to decide if I should find another job for the winter.  Once the kegs closes I’ll only have Dairy Queen, but then again… can I handle two jobs and school?  Maybe not.
It’s been a while since my last blog.  That’s because I don’t have internet yet.  I know I’ll go crazy in during the school year.  How am I supposed to do my homework at three in the morning if I don’t have internet?  Okay, so I don’t wait until three a.m. to start my papers.  Usually I wait until seven the day it is due.  So far I’ve been suriving that.  I think what I need is to get a bad grade- or even a C- on a paper that I procrastinated on.  As long as I keep getting A’s though, I don’t see a problem with  putting it off.
I’ve had a good summer so far I think.  I’ve really been doing good on the whole writing thing.  I mean, writter’s block has not been an issue really.  There’s been a whole bunch of ideas for short stories, and I’m working on writing them.  Only problem is, I can only do so much at one time.  There have been a few poems in there, but I’m not really a poet so they kinda suck.

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