Monday, August 23, 2010

Another Quote from the Brilliant Mind of Einstein

So one of the asignments for my creative class a long time ago was to post a blog of our favorite quote.  I chose Einstein's "Imagination is more important than knowlege."  As I said in that post, I completely agree.  Someone can have all the knowlege in the entire world, but how can they put that to good use without propper imagination?  Anyway this blog is not about that quote.  It is about a different one.

"If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" ~Albert Einstein~

I was reading a magazine article about how to cope with everyday messes and how it's really just a part of life.  Then they started talking about creativity and imagination.  That's when they quoted Einstein.  It made me smile.  Too true, I think.  Yes, messes can be hectic and cause a lot of unoraginzion, but at the same time who has time to keep everything so perfect?  There's such a thing as too clean I believe.  Too quote one of the Harry Potter books, it seems unnatural.  Like there's not one person even exsisting in such a clean, organized atmosphere.

I believe a little clutter keeps me on the creative side.  A pile of junk on the floor can inspire a painting or photograph that needs to be taken.  I'm sure inventers get ideas from two random objects next to each other.  And who wants to spend every living moment of their life cleaning and organizing?  I like things neat... once again not too neat... and I like things orderly.  The process of cleaning things can be relaxing for me too, but by keeping everything perfect, there's no way I can have time to actually enjoy life.  A little mess inspires creativity.  Can order and creativity go together?  I'm sure they can, but I haven't discovered it yet.  I mean, after all you have to be organized to write a novel.  You have to be able to find time to paint a masterpiece, and there are certain rules involved with any form of creativity.

I guess, like most things, it's good to find a balance.  A little mess never hurt anyone, but not being able to find your keys underneath a huge pile of laundry might not be a good thing.  Also, not being able to see your floor isn't such a good thing either.  A pair of shoes on the floor isn't going to hurt anything though... unless of course your dog eats them.  Just remember, a cluttered desk may represent a cluttered mind, but an empty desk may represent an empty mind.

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