Thursday, August 12, 2010

Penny the Welsh Corgi

I bought a puppy a few days ago, and I love her to pieces.  She was kind of expensive because she’s a purebred Welsch Corgi, but I was willing to pay it because it’s my favorite breed there is.  I guess I have a thing for the herding class what with Blitzen and now my new puppy, Penny.
I saw them at the pet store about a week ago and kept going back to look at them.  Originally I wanted the only boy in the litter, but he got sold.  That’s okay though because Penny’s a sweetheart.  She even goes outside.  That’s not to say she doesn’t go in the house, but when I take her outside to go, she goes.  The first time I took her for a walk.  It took us twenty minutes to make it to the dumpster and back.  Now it only takes about ten minutes.  Pretty soon I’m going to start taking her around the block.
She’s going to be spoiled.  I can tell.  She has a whole bunch of toys.  My favorite is a stuffed cow that my friend Sarah bought her.  I thought it was only appropriate since Corgis are used for cattle herding.  She also has a tug of war rope, some chewers as my mom would call them for teething, and tennis balls.  She’s so adorable when she hops around playing with them.
So far she hasn’t eaten anything… I told her that if she does eat anything it should be mine, but if it has to be one of my roommates it has to be replaceable and inexpensive.  I don’t want to have to pay eighty dollars to replace Kailin or Kelsey’s computer cord or something.
She’s so cuddly and so precious.  So far she’s doing her job of being a great companion.  Since I left school, I feel like I don’t have a purpose.  I think right now what I need is a sense of responsibility, and she gives me that.

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