Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tackle Soccer... Not Rugby

It’s raining outside.  There’s thunderstorm warnings and everything.  When I was little, I loved the rain.  I’d sit out on my mom’s balcony with a blanket while I listened to the rain bounce off the sidewalk as lightening flashed across the sky.  I still love the rain, especially playing in the rain.  I’ll go outside and run around like an idiot until I’m soaked.  There’s also tackle soccer.  That’s a game I made up with Mykel.  We were either in middle school or early high school.
Anytime it would rain, I’d call Mykel up and we’d go outside with my soccer ball.  The first time we played it started out as just a regular soccer game, but then we got really into it and started tackling each other for the ball.  Eventually we left the ball behind and just started throwing each other in the mud.  It still usually goes like that, starting out with a normal soccer game.  Each one of us trying to get the ball in our own goal just tackling each other every so often.  They’re aren’t too many rules.  One can kick the ball, bunt it, or pick it up and run with it.  Actually, I think the only rule is that it has to be raining.  I love it though, the main goal is to get as wet from rain and as muddy from tackling and being tackled as you can.  I think there’s a picture somewhere of Mykel and I completely covered in mud from head to toe.
Mykel and I aren’t the only ones who have played.  Alex, Kelsey, and Stacey- someone I dated in high school- have played too.  It’s more fun with more people.  It’s a lot more fun and a lot more confusing.  There’s never teams.  It’s just everyone for themselves.  That’s what gets confusing.  The goals aren’t even used anymore.  It’s raining now and I want it to keep raining until Kelsey and I get off work.  She said she’d be up for a game.  Sadly, the weather channel site only said storm warning until seven.  I’m praying that it magically downpours though.  It’s been awhile since I’ve played.  If it’s still raining, I think I might even call Mykel to join us.

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