Thursday, August 12, 2010


I’ve decided to stay away from caffiene for a while.  I did the math, and I used to drink about seventy onces of diet coke in a day.  That’s a lot.  Not to mention I’d drink tea or energy drinks as well.  Anyway, my plan is to drink poweraid at work.  The zero calorie kind so that my blood cells don’t go, "Hey are you crazy?  You’re diabetic, remember?"  It’s also got zero carbs.
I think this whole experience would be much simpler if I weren’t diabetic.  I mean, it’s not like diabetes makes me have an addicting personality or anything.  It’s just that when I go to restaurants that serve soft drinks, usually the only diet pop they have is diet coke.  I could get a Sprite or a Rootbeer and just take insulin for it though I suppose.  Then there’s always lemonade or Hi-C or something.  Milk’s always an option, but I only really drink milk if it’s of the chocolote variety.  It’s just easier to grab something to drink without carbs.  I’m so used to it, that if my beverage does end up having carbs in it I sometimes forget to take insulin for it.
This whole thing is not really as easy as I thought it would be.  I’m crabby and I’ve got headaches.  Who knows if it’s a mental or physical addiction?  It could be all in my head or it could be a little of both.  If I can stop drinking caffeine by the time the Kegs opens, how cool would that be?  It gets so hot in there and it’s really easy to get dehydrated.  The best part about that too is that Cindy’s don’t have any caffeine them, so that’s something to look foreward too.

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