Thursday, August 12, 2010

Two Blogs in One

Easy Bake Oven
I’m a dork.  Kelsey and I were walking through Walmart last night and I was feeling a little down about some things.  When I get upset I buy myself things to try and cheer up.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  I went straight for the toy section.  Get this, I’m twenty years old and I still play with toys.  I was going to buy a Barbie or a lego set or something, but Kelsey suggested I get an Easy Bake oven.
I remember wanting one when I was little kid, but my mom never let me get one.  I guess I never really needed one because my mom and I would bake together all the time, but it was still fun to get one.  I like being an impulsive dork sometimes.  It’s fun.
Anyway, I like my new toy.  I’m surprised the food tastes that good even though it’s cooked with a hundred watt light bulb.  Crazy stuff let me tell you.  So I have achieved a childhood dream of owning an Easy Bake oven.  I probably use it hard core for about a month and then put it away and never touch it again.  I told Kelsey I want us to have Easy Bake oven tea parties every Friday though.

The End of an Era
My two weeks was up at Dairy Queen.  Today was my last day.  I felt kind of sad.  There was a time where I really enjoyed working there.  It was fun to say, "Hey, I work at Dairy Queen."  Not to mention I really love ice cream, and the employee discount was nice.  I’ll miss the people too, but there’s really only four people there who were there when I started.
I got to clean the lobby for the last time.  That was my favorite job.  It meant that I didn’t have to deal with costumers and I could just focus on cleaning instead.  That’s so like me, avoid people and clean instead.  Kelsey helped.  I don’t even know if I should share this with the world, but I cried when I punched out.  It’s not like I bawled.  I just teared up.  It felt like the last day of summer camp or something.

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