Wednesday, August 11, 2010

School Days

Classes started to day… I’m not the biggest fan of school.  When I was younger I loved it.  I always loved getting new school supplies, and on the first day of each year I made my mom take a picture of me by the front door.  First I’d put my backpack on my shoulders and take a picture of my new school outfit.  Then I’d turn around and make my mom take a picture of my backpack… could not tell you why.
Middle school is when school started to suck for me.  I just stopped caring there for a while.  I just stopped seeing the point of school.  I knew how to read.  I knew how to write, and I could do basic algebra.  I still don’t see the point of school sometimes.  All it is is getting passed one test, to get to the next test, to get the final grade, to move on to the next class, to go to another school, and finally end up with a college degree.  When you break it down I guess that’s really it.  Every once in a while there may be some enlightening moments along the way I guess.
Now school is a time filler.  I’m interested in a few classes, and I like writing papers.  I like writing anything actually.  Anyway, even tonight I sat down and my roommate was completing some homework and I actually got in the mood to do some myself.  But where is school going to get me.  As mentioned in other blogs, my plan is to eventually end up with an English major, but I DO NOT want to teach.  Peer review for composition and creative writing chased any thought of me wanting to teach out of my head.  Those poor students papers would be covered in red ink.  I want to be a writer, either a journalist or a creative writer.  Only problem is I don’t know if I’m good enough for that.  I write short stories all the time, but mostly they’re too over dramatic or they just suck all together.
Anyway, back to the subject of school, and less about my future.  I’ve already blogged about that enough.  In elementary school, I used to be a huge suck up.  I never really had friends, so I’d always talk to the teacher about something or another.  I always got told at parent teacher conferences that I was very bright, but I talked too much.  The weirdest thing I ever got told at a parent teacher conference was that I got up to sharpen my pencil too often.
My favorite thing about school is all the fun new school supplies that I go buy every year.  I buy fun folders either something really geeky or some cool design.  I get a new notebook, new pencils and pens, a new eraser, new highlighters, and of course a new backpack.  I have not yet been able to keep a backpack for more than one year.  It always breaks on me.
This year should be fun.  I’m taking all easy classes… sort of.  I’ve got Humanities, Speech, Drawing, and World Music.  They’re all things I’m interested at least, except speech.  Public speaking makes me sick to my stomach.  But I’ll survive.  It’s not my first speech class, and I’m sure it won’t be my last.  I’m really excited for Humanities though.  That class pretty much covers all my interests.  I’m excited for drawing too.  World music might be one of those boring but interesting classes if that makes any sense.  I don’t know.  I don’t have that class until tomorrow.  This semester I promise I’m going to focus… and yes I know I’ve said that every year.

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