Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I never thought I’d go to college.  When I was in middle school, I wanted to be a bum… literally.  I wanted to travel the United States in a van making only enough money to pay for gas and food.  I would make money by selling art, freelance writing, and playing music on street corners.  I wanted to write to my friends and tell them what a good time I was having exploring the US or else how much life sucked because I couldn’t find work.
That idea still appeals to me, but there’s one thing that gets in the way… diabetes.  I think I’d try it, at least for a year, if I didn’t absolutely need money to pay for insulin.  Although, if I couldn’t get money for food, I wouldn’t need money for insulin right?
I’m wondering now about dropping out of college.  School was never really high on my priority list, and everything I want to do in life doesn’t require a degree.  Although, I don’t want to be dropout.  I’d feel proud and accomplished with a degree… even if it is in Liberal Arts or English.
There’s a problem with the artist thing though, whether it’s painting or writing or whatever.  I’d need money and time to do it.  How does one get money?  Having a stable job.  And what does a stable job take up?  Time.  I always make time for writing though.  One day I’d love to get something published… especially if I’m thinking about writing as a career.  I should just start on that now.  Look through what I have already and send it in somewhere.  That idea scares me though.  I write for me and not necessarily for an audience.  I’ll have to get over that one pretty quick.  I’d like to do journalism, but I’m too opinionated.
I’d like to write a novel someday.  I guess I mostly write short stories and crappy poems.  There’s been quite a few long short stories though.  My art teacher one time said that I should sell some of my paintings… first I have to come up with one that I’m not too attached to.  That’s my big problem.  I can’t sell artwork because I fall in love with it and can’t give it up.
So what do I do with my life then?  Be a bum?  Journalist?  Columnist?  English teacher?  JUST KIDDING!  I’ve said this before.  I’d get too frustrated with people who don’t get it.  My friends keep suggesting that one.  I hope I figure it out soon though just so I can have a plan.

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