Thursday, August 12, 2010


Water is my second favorite element of nature.  There’s nothing like taking a big drink of water during a hot day at The Kegs.  I love warm showers or bubble baths.  There’s tackle soccer which can only be played in the rain, and of course just plain swimming.  Kailin, Kelsey, and I went swimming for the first time this summer.  The water was freezing and it wasn’t one of the hotter days that we’ve had so far, but it was fun.  I even bought a new suit for this year.  It’s a two piece, which is weird for me.  I haven’t had a bikini since I was like eight.  I also bought a cute pair of swim shorts to go with them and a pair of men’s marvel swim trunks.  They help me be less self conscious.
Now, I wasn’t exactly old enough to remember this, but when we used to live in Hawaii I apparently loved the water.  My mom would sit me down right where the waves could come up and touch my toes.  There’s pictures of me laughing while sitting on the beach and eating sand.  My mom told me that one time a huge wave came and carried me one direction, while my diaper went the other.  I’m glad I can’t remember that one.
When I got a little older, I still loved swimming.  I remember going to the YMCA with my mom to swim, and I loved taking swimming lessons.  My papa would also set up the baby pool in the backyard and Amy, Matt, and I would play in it.  For some reason I always remember having to use either the pink and white or blue and white striped towels.  They were my grandma’s older towels.  We’d also run through the sprinkler in their yard.  And of course, my mom would take us to Elk’s all the time.
I love going to the lake, but I’ll be honest.  I have problems with natural bodies of water.  Fish and plants gross me out.  I tried water skiing once out at my great aunt and uncle’s lake.  That didn’t go well.  Everyone said I was doing a really good job, but I sucked.  Didn’t even really get going.  I only tried it like three times before giving up.  I love tubbing though.  That takes no talent except for hanging on.  I hope to get out to a lake this summer whether it’s Kelsey’s or at my great aunt’s.  I also want to go swimming a lot more and maybe get tan while I’m at it.  But unfortunately I don’t really tan; I burn instead.  But the way I see it, it’s great exercise and it gets me out of the house and away from video games.

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