Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Dairy Queen Cup

So good news everyone.  I finally got my computer cord since Charlee ate it.  That means I can keep up on my blog better, write some stuff I’ve been wanting to do for a while, edit footage from someone wedding that was almost a year ago, and of course waste a bunch more of my life on the internet.  I had to return Basil.  He had a huge tumor on his side.  I felt bad for the poor little guy.  I did exchange him for a new mouse who’s name is Peanut.  He’s pretty cute, very timid.  Anyway what I really wanted to blog about was what happened the other night with Kelsey and Kailin.  It was pretty funny.
On mother’s day after I spent the first part of the day with my mom, I went to Dairy Queen with Kelsey and Kailin.  As it turns out I was supposed to work and didn’t check the schedule.  Yeah, that was an awkward experience.  Not that I’m making excuses, but I did ask for it off so that’s why I didn’t check to see if I worked.  Once again, no excuse.  Anyway, I got Charlee a small dish of ice cream and then some chicken wraps for me.  Later I asked for some water.
Okay so you know when you have too much to carry and you have to put something on top of your car so you can open the door?  Well, have you ever left something on top of your car?  I have.  I usually don’t notice it until I see diet coke spilling all down the side of my window as I’m driving down the street.  Anway, I put that water on the roof of my car and then Kailin, Kelsey, Charlee, and I got in the car and drove a way.  Next thing I know there are some guys in the car behind us yelling something at us.  Of course I thought they were just being idiots.  When they passes us, the driver started to reach his hand out his window and motion to the roof of his car.  Kelsey asked, "What are they doing?  Do we have something on top of the car?"  I forgot about the water so I didn’t think anything of it.  Then when we started to drive down town a whole bunch of people were staring at the roof of my car and one guy even pointed.  That’s when I remembered my water.  The three of us started laughing so hard.  At the next stop light Kelsey hoped out of the car and grabbed it off the top for me, which made us laugh harder… along with the people in the car behind us.  I laughed so hard tears started falling from my eyes.  I’m not so sure why it was that funny, but it was.  I can’t believe it didn’t fall off.
The rest of the night was fun too.  We went to Walmart and I bought Dance Dance Revolution for my Wii.  I’d never played it before so I thought it would be interesting to try.  Then we went to the Japanese Garden and hung out on the playground equipment for a while.  It was pretty late so no children could see what kind of dorks we were being.  There’s some really nice new playground equipment over at Seratoma park by the way.  There’s this car thing that rocks back and forth, which I found out I’m a little bit too big for.  But there’s also bongo drums that kids can play with and telescopes.  Kelsey found a ball and kicked it.  Kailin said not to touch it because she could ruin some poor child’s hopes and dreams if she did.  They should make playgrounds for big kids.  I’d so be up for that.  Anyway, it was fun.  Kailin said, "This is what summer is," and I agree.

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