Thursday, August 12, 2010

Complaints of a Carhop

The kegs opened this week, and holy smokes was it busy!  We ran out of food a whole bunch- limes, buns, steak sandwiches.  I think it’s partly because of the page I made on facebook.  It must have put the kegs back into people’s heads and reminded them we were open.  Since I dropped out of school, I’m going to be working there full time during the day as a cook.  I’ve wanted to do that forever.  Oh by the way, I never quit Dairy Queen.  My boss got fired by his mommy and she took over.  I like her and I got asked to stay with a fifty cent raise.  I’m only working Sundays there though until the Kegs closes.
Okay, so I love working there.  I love working with all my friends.  I love seeing all the people that come in, and I just love being able to say that my family owns a drive in.  I mean, how cool is that?  Anyway, there are a bunch of ways to piss me off there.  My OCD kicks into overdrive I think, because I have a lot of pet peevish things there.  So if you come into the Kegs and are looking to really make me crabby, these are the things you should do in no particular order.
1. Make me run in and out of the building four or five times for you.  How hard is it to ask for a fork, napkins, salt, kechup, change for a five, a spoon, and pepper all at once?  There are lots of other costumers that need to get their food brought out to them and the carhop for the night is the one who has to bring it out to everyone.  I don’t really mind making one or two trips, so if you need a bunch of things, ask for them at once.
2. Don’t tip.  The carhops don’t make minimum wage when they carhop and the tips make up the difference.  I think most people don’t realize that we take tips or something, but we do.  It’s the same thing as tipping your waitress at a restaurant.
3. Take your drinks before you pay for your food.  We set our drinks on the counter once they’ve been made for all the orders.  There’s really no other place to put them that won’t get in the way, and then the carhop can just grab the drinks he or she needs and put them on the tray.  Sometimes when people have counter orders they reach over and grab what they think is their drinks even when they haven’t payed for them yet.  It drives me nuts.  One, it’s not theirs yet, they haven’t payed.  Two, it skrews up the carhop, the wrapper, and the drink person.  Three, sometimes people grab drinks they think are theirs but aren’t.
4. Take up two spots in our parking lot.  Sometimes people pull up right in the middle of two speakers.  That spot is meant for two cars.  If we are busy that means one more car can’t come in and that means less business.  Also, sometimes people angle park.  It’s not angel parking at that also takes up two spots.
5. Come inside and order.  Now, I understand if you’ve walked there or rode your bike.  I guess I also don’t mind if you know the workers and want to say hi.  But don’t park your car in a spot and come inside to order.  One, you’ll get service faster from inside your car, especailly if we’re busy.  Two, we can always make something to go if you want.  Also when a lot of people are inside it gets really hot.  It’s hot in there to begin with, but it gets worse if even three bodies are standing in line waiting for food.  Not to mention all those people never get out of the way and carrying a big tray of food and trying to get passed them can be difficult.
Those five are the main ones.  I’m sure there’s lots more people can do to make me mad.  I’m kind of anal about those sorts of things.  It doesn’t help when were busy and I’m already stressing out anyway, but like I said don’t get me wrong.  I love working there.  The whole atmosphere is amazing, but with any job there are going to be things that bother me I guess.

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