Thursday, August 12, 2010

Missing: One LG Scoop Phone

I’ve lost my phone, and I don’t mean it’s just missing for a day or two.  I think it’s really gone.  I was doing laundry at my grandma’s house the other day.  I had my phone there.  When I went home I didn’t have it.  I thought I left it at my grandparent’s, but it wasn’t there.  The only place I went in between the two was Wendy’s, and I doubt I handed over my phone to the guy at the drive through window.  So there’s really only three places it could be, right?  My car, my grandparent’s, or my house.
I tried calling it, but my ringer might be on silent or the battery could be dead.  I don’t know why it would be on silent.  Blitzen could have eaten it or hid it somewhere.  That sounds like something he might do.  He did steal my poweraid bottle the other day to use as a toy.  Horrid thought: it might be in my grandma’s dryer.  I still have some laundry over there, and it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve washed my phone.  But I distinctivly remember taking it out of my pocket and sticking it on the ironing board.  If only it was still there.
If I need to buy a new one, I think I’ll live.  That was a pretty old phone, but it was still a good one.  It still made calls.  I could still send texts, take pictures, all that good junk.  I’m just not sure if I have the money right now.  For sure I wouldn’t be able to until the first of the month.  Maybe not even then with rent and all that other good junk.  Before I go buy anything though, I’m going to give looking for it one more try.  I’m going to tear apart my car, search all over my grandparents house, and check every place in my apartment.  It has to be somewhere, right?

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