Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I can’t believe I’m using my own internet in my own apartment.  Well, okay maybe it’s not my internet.  It’s under Kelsey’s name, but I still pay for a third of it.  Too bad Charlee ate my charger for the second time and I don’t have a charged computer to work with.  Thank goodness Kelsey lets me use her computer after she’s gone to bed.  Otherwise me paying for a third of the internet would have no point… although, maybe I can gather up enough money to buy myself a charger sooner or later.
So… what’s next then?  Cable… ha ha just kidding.  Dairy Queen doesn’t quite pay me enough for that.  It’s a luxury.  Once baseball season starts up, I’ll have to find some connections.  I’m not going to settle for play by play computerized pictures from  There’s always my mom’s house though.
I forgot how good it felt to sit alone while everyone else is alseep and just surf the internet.  I miss my late night solitude that I only to get from blogging or spending way too much time on facebook.  There is of course normal journaling without the use of cyber space, but I usually do that in the bathtub or in between classes… sometimes during classes.  I would say just during the boring ones, but that’s not always the case.  A lot of times I’ll get really interested in something that we talked about in class and just have to write about it.  That happened in humanities a lot.  Anyway, late at night I also like to work on my stories.  I don’t need the internet for that.  And of course there’s homework… or trying to distract myself from doing my homework.
I just missed it that’s all.  Tonight I’ve been rumaging through people’s blogs and commented on a few.  I was mostly looking for people that go to Northland… looking for new bloggers with blogs that had titles like "Why Write?"  Too bad there aren’t too many… if any… more bloggers from my creative writing class.  I kind of miss that class.  It kept me writing.

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