Thursday, August 12, 2010


For those of you that don’t know, I have baby fever… I know I’m only twenty years old, am not in a stable relationship, and have no steady job.  In fact, if I don’t start getting applications, I won’t have any job come October and the Kegs closes up for the winter.  Anyway, babies are cute and precious.  They are so little and pink, and they make adorable noises.  Of course there’s also the screaming and the fussing.  The diaper changes and the puking.  I still want one.  I think it goes along with the whole I need to find my purpose thing.  That’s what Penny’s supposed to be for.  I have her to give me a sense of purpose, get me out of bed in the mornings, give me something to get out of life other than work, give me something to love, and just to cuddle with while I cry.
Anyway… my friend Sarah had her baby the other day.  They named her Melody Colleen and she is just beautiful.  We watched her get her bath and she screamed and shivered until they tucked her back in all nice and tight.  That baby has some lungs.  She will make a great tuba player some day.  Her dad would love that; he plays one too.  I think it’s funny that two musicians name their baby girl Melody.  Fitting, yet incredibly geeky.
She looks very much like her mother… I think.  It’s hard to tell at this point.  Chad certainly thinks she does.  He said she has her mother’s pouty look.  That’s cute.  On the day she went in to labor, Kelsey and I had to work.  But as soon as we got off and showered we rushed over there to see little Melody… and to congratulate Sarah and Chad of course.  I got to be one of the first people besides family to see her.  I am so happy that Chad and Sarah allowed us to be a part of everything.  If either of you two read this, it really meant a lot to me.
The next day I got to hold her.  She slept the whole time and occasionally made faces that made me think she was going to wake up and start screaming.  But she stayed sleeping.  She was just little pink thing wrapped up tight in a bunch of blankets.  Sarah was also adorable as she talked sweetly to Melody while feeding her.  Melody doesn’t quite have the hang of the whole eating thing yet.  But Sarah was gently talking to her saying, "It’s okay take it…  There you go little girl…  Nope… there now you got it… Nope, those are your fingers."  It was very cute.  She’ll make a good mom.
I’ve offered to babysit this kid once the parents are ready for a break.  Maybe it will help with the whole baby fever thing, maybe it will make it worse.  I don’t know.  Once thing is for sure though.  I know I’m not going to go get myself knocked up on purpose until I’m ready.  I definitely want kids some day though.

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