Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Mommy Loves Me

I hate my first of the month paychecks.  Why?  Because I don’t get any of it?  Why?  Because I’m a horrible budgeter.  I spend all my sixteenth of the month paycheck and then don’t have any left over to save for the rent.  This month, I had fifteen dollars left over after paying the rent check.  Heck yes, a whole fifteen dollars.  That’ll be gone in a week.  If I really do get full time hours at Dairy Queen, I’ll be able to put some money away in my savings account every month.  Also, I finally went to school and officially withdrew from all my classes so I have more time for work.  Pam, the advisor, was really nice about it and everything.  She kept asking me if I was okay.
Anyway… back to the money issues.  I simply don’t have any.  My amazing mother came to the rescue.  As much as I love being independent and on my own, I love having a mother who is still willing to help me out.  It’ll be a sad day when I move away or get too old for that kind of help… okay, maybe I’m too old now.
My mom took me grocery shopping.  I got quite a bit out of the deal too.  There were party pizzas, hot pockets, easy mac, rice-a-roni, diet coke, juice… the list goes on.  I got about forty dollars worth, which I’m hoping I can stretch out until the next paycheck.  There’s always Del’s, my family’s restaurant.  They feed me there.  There’s also my grandparents and mothers house.  Wow, I am a mouch.
After the grocery shopping, my mom gave me twenty bucks for gas.  My gas light has been on for a long time, and I’ve been driving it.  Not a great idea, especially in the winter.  I love my mom.  Oh, and she also bought mouse food for a mouse she thinks is disgusting.  Although, she did admitt he looks cute.  I’ll make it a goal for myself to really be on my own.  I mean, I’ll be getting almost twice as much money as I usually do on my next paycheck.  I won’t need my mom anymore.  Actually, that’s totally a lie.  I’ll need her to be my mom and everything, just not for money.

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