Saturday, August 14, 2010


Meet Sylvester.  He is Penny's favorite toy, which she got on the very first day she came home.  He was a gift from my friend Sarah to congratulate me on my new pet.  I got to pick him out though.  Of course I picked a cow for a corgi.  Penny's my little cattle herder... even if it is just a stuffed animal.  Kailin is the one who picked out the name Sylvester.

Penny's so cute with it.  She'll sneak up behind it then grab it and tear across the living room with it.  After a bit she'll drop it and just start doing "hot laps" as my family would call it.  That's where she'll run around the house like crazy.  No one's chasing her.  She doesn't have a toy.  She's just running around as fast as she can from one end of the house to the other.

Once she tired herself out a bit, she'll take Sylvester over her spot in front of the balcony door and lie there chewing on him.  I liked it much better before Penny figured out how the squeaker worked.  Now all I hear is squeak, squeak, squeak as she chews on it.  Kelsey said I should just take it away and hide it, but I don't want to do that.  I'm so happy she's chewing on one of her toys instead of my shoes, and if I take it away it might teach the wrong lesson.

I think dogs with their toys are adorable.  If you hold one of Blitzen's toys and say, "This is mine," he goes absolutely nuts.  He'll bark at you and try to take it.  It's a bit scary when you have that huge German Shepherd jumping all over the place trying to get a toy that you're holding.  Once my uncle put his rope up on top of the cupboards, and Blitzen was practically up on the counter trying to get at them.  Blitzen's kind of a jealous dog.  If he's playing with a toy and Charlee or Penny starts playing with a different toy, Blitzen will get up and take that toy from them.  He'll also bring a rope or something to one of them to play, but as soon as they try and grab ahold of it, he growls.  It's not a very threatening growl though.

So I'm hoping Sylvester lasts for a long time.  Penny's just too cute with him.  Not to mention the fact that he gives her a lot of exercise.  I also just like the fact that it's a cow for a corgi.  Sheep would work too.  I should buy Blitzen a sheep... it would be in pieces by the end of the day.  Not only that, but if it had a squeaker, my papa would want to throw it out after five minutes.

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