Thursday, August 12, 2010


I dumped all our cans into the bathtub today and crushed them with the help of Kelsey.  The garbage can that we keep them in was overflowing.  I’m sure our neighbors loved us.  The cans made a whole bunch of noise as they clanked and clattered together.  Of course, it probably didn’t help that I dumped the entire garbage full into the bath tub all at once.
I wish now that I would have taken a picture of all those cans in the tub.  It looked really cool.  I found out that my two roomates and I mostly drink vanilla coke, moutain dew, deit crush, and of course diet coke.  I’m addicted to diet coke.  Anyway, after I dumped all the cans into the bathrub I started crushing them.
The first can I took out was a Dr. Pepper can that wasn’t crushed at all, and I tried stepping on it.  It didn’t crinkle, so I put all my weight on it, balancing on one foot.  I thought it was really weird, so I made Kelsey take a picture.  Soon after the picture was taken, the can crushed under my foot and I almost lost my balance and fell over.
It didn’t take long before I made Kelsey help me.  She was not happy about it, but towards the end we started to race towards the finish line.  It was fun… well, as fun as crushing cans can actually be.  Cans were sliding and slipping all over our bathroom floor, which everytime a can slipped out from under my foot it made more clanking noises for the neighbors to enjoy.  Of course, the best part is that our closet isn’t bursting with cans anymore.  They all fit nicely in our garbage can with room to spare.

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