Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hi There!

This is my first official blog here on blogger.  For those of you who don't know, I used to have a blog on areavoices.  But then they changed their layout and there was a bunch of confusion involving a dead email address and lost passwords.  So I can't log in to that account anymore.  I would have just set up a new blog on that cite, but their new lay out is way too confusing.  I couldn't even navigate my way around it.  The cite also lost two of my blogs.  They were good ones too about my puppy and the first pet mouse I ever had.  Anyway, any of the posts I made before this were things I've copied and pasted from that blog.  It took a long time and made me realize that I need a life.

So, some things about me I guess.  As my about me section to your right says, I live with two of my best friends that I've known since high school.  You'd think we'd get into lots of fights... and we do, but we get over ourselves.  They're mostly about me being a self centered drama queen anyway.  But, I love the two of them so incredibly much.  We've been through thick and thin together, and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.  We've even made a quilt together.  Penny also lives with us.  She's my three month old puppy.  She's the dog in my profile pic.  She is what keeps me going in this life.  I also consider my grandparents dog Blitzen my dog.  There is no other dog on this earth like him.

I work for my mom, aunt, and uncle at their drive in.  It's okay, but not a very creative job I guess.  I'll have to find a new job when they close for the winter.  School is not my strong suit.  I dropped out last semester because I just got too lazy.  I wasn't going for anything special.  Liberal arts was my official major title.  In 2011 I will be starting school up again for an English major.  It's not much better than liberal arts, I know.  I'd like to make something very clear here.  I do NOT want to be an English teacher.  It may be my favorite subject, but people who know nothing about grammar at all really annoy me and trying to teach English to idiots would give me a headache.

I love music.  Through the years I have played the recorder, viola, flute, guitar, and tuba.  The tuba is by far my favorite.  I play it for UND; I especially love playing the sousaphone for marching band.  I listen to all types of music, mostly musicals though along with alternative.

I am diabetic and asthmatic, but the asthma thing is mostly because of nerves and marching band.  Playing the tuba and running around like that could make anyone out of breath.  Maybe I just need to get in some better shape.  I'm also going through a bit of a depression spell that I'm trying to pull myself out of, but don't worry I don't blog about that much.  I save it for my journals.

My favorite color is pink; Bobi Joe (my guitar) is hot pink.  I also love eating pomegranates, especially during World Series time.  My favorite team is the Red Sox, but I haven't been paying too much attention to baseball these past two years since I moved out and can't afford cable.  I love writing.  I daydream about becoming a published author some day, but I'm afraid I don't have the drive to make that happen.  I also love riding my bike, painting, quilting, taking bubble baths, reading comic books, and collecting anything... Jones soda bottles, barbies, pokemon cards, candles, action figures... the list goes on.

So that's me in a couple of paragraphs.  I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.

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