Wednesday, August 11, 2010


My mom got a new puppy a few weeks ago.  Her name is Charlee.  I think she’s adorable, even though she doesn’t compare to Blitzen in the slightest.  He’s been getting mad at me lately for hanging out so much with Charlee, but I love him best.  Anyway, Charlee is half Sheltie, part Bichon, and part Shih Tzu.  She’s kind of naughty though… like most puppies I suppose.  She’s always getting into things that she’s not supposed to and eating the furniture.  Hopefully she’ll grow out of that, and my mom’s working on the training.
I’m glad that my mom got a dog.  Since I moved out it’s been just my mom in her apartment.  Now she has Charlee to keep her company.  And Charlee loves my mom too.  Whenever my mom comes home, there the puppy is, wagging her tail and excited for my mom.  My mom loves dogs too.  She’s just never had a small dog, but the apartment rules say they have to be under thirty pounds.  Another 105 lb Blitzen just wouldn’t cut it.  My mom seems a lot less crabby with Charlee around too.
I feel bad for Blitzen.  Charlee keeps going over to my grandparents house, so that the dogs can get used to each other.  But Charlee gets scared and then snips at Blitzen.  Blitzen gets mad.  He growls, barks, and looks like he’s about to eat her.  And guess who gets in trouble for it?  Blitzen.  He’s just defending his dominance and his territory, and she started it.  I just feel bad because he’s not the puppy of the family anymore.  I take the two of them to the dog park a lot.  And they get along okay when it’s not in Blitzen’s house.  Except, if I give Charlee too much attention, Blitzen won’t look at me anymore.  Hopefully they’ll get used to each other, and I hope Blitzen knows that I still love him.  He’s my favorite dog in the world.  Charlee’s just a cute puppy that I happen to like as well.

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