Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Survived!!!

So, my first year of college is drawing to a close.  It’s been great really.  It may not have been the university life that everyone had expected from me when I was in kindergarden, but hey.  Does it really matter?  When I was little everyone thought that I was destined to be in all the advanced classes, get straight A’s, and go on to be a teacher or doctor or lawyer.  One of the traditional jobs, you know?  I think the plan for me at the moment is to graduate from NCTC and then go to UND to get an English major.  I like that idea, but as I’ve said before, all that goes through my head is lyrics from Avenue Q, "What do you do with a BA in English?  What is my life going to be?  Four years of college and plenty of knowledge have earned me this useless degree…"  Hmm, well I suppose there are a lot of options.  
Entering the real world will be scary.  Lately I’ve been on this kick that I want to be a writer.  I think I could manage that.  I don’t know what I’d write.  Could be anything.  Could be journalism.  I do know that if I choose that path I will be working at the Dairy Queen until I decide to retire though.  Maybe the Kegs too.  I secretly hope to own that place one day.  My family owns it.  Anyway, writing’s what I’m good at I think.  I don’t really know.  I like to write.  Actually, I love to write.  I could never be a teacher.  I used to think I wanted to be an English teacher, but peer review has taught me that I’d loose my mind within the first week.  I hated peer review.  Also, I’d probably make children cry.  Their papers would be covered with purple marks all over the place.
So, my first year is over.  I made it out alive, and I only had to drop one class.  For me I think that’s really good.  The year was filled with homework, classes, carhopping, waitressing, and learning how to make blizzard.  There was Marching band and Hockey band.  I made new friends, but am still keeping up with my old ones.  I even managed to feel attached to Northland, like I belong there.  I thought I’d have a real hard time saying goodbye to my high school.  I loved Red River, and maybe I would have had a hard time saying goodbye if it hadn’t been for the Pride of the North band at UND and certain students and one teacher in particular at Northland.  Thanks for making the transition easy for me.
I am already looking foreword to the fall semester.  I’m going to take a drawing class, humanities, speech, and world music.  The thought of public speaking scares me, but I survived small group communications so I should be alright.  I’m really excited for UND’s marching band in the fall.  The songs for our first show seem really epic and really fun.  Of course, I have to find a tuba for the summer to practice because they also seem really hard.  I will also be playing in the University band in the fall, and that is something else I am looking foreword too.  I look foreword to walking through the doors of Northland in the fall and knowing what I’m doing.

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