Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Since I’m bored right now, I will post another blog.  I figure no one reads this one anyway unless they need to for class.
I hate my dreams.  The only ones that I can remember are the weird ones and the nightmares.  My nightmares are as vivid as hell!  The other day I had a dream that one of the Bulbs died in a car accident.  Since I was already behind in all my classes, I dropped everything and took a week off of work.  Kailin and I go to the same school, and in my dream I was talking to all my teachers about dropping.  My creative writing teacher said she asummed I would anyway.  She recognized the name Kailin from my non-fiction piece.  Anyway, that dream was in my head all of the next day.  I don’t know what I’d do if one of the Bulbs died.  I’d crumble, that’s for sure.
Nightmares I had when I was little, are commical now.  I had three dreams that I can remember from my childhood.  One was a dumb one about buying ice cream in the butter section.  Don’t know why I remembered that one.  Then there was another one about my beloved Kitty Pat Purr, a stuffed cat that made purring noises.  I was at my grandma’s house and the doctor from Beethoven’s Second kept trying to steal her from me.  I remember my grandma saying, "Just let her keep her cat."  Then there was the Monstro dreams.  Those I had over and over again.  Out of all the horror movies I used to watch when I was younger, nothing scared me as much as Pinochio.  I had this dream where my mom’s bed was floating out in the ocean.  The next thing I knew, Monstro, the whale from Pinochio, was swirling around in the water.  Pretty soon he starts to leap out of the water, and my mom, who thinks this is funny, puts me on her feet and tosses me up in the air.  She laughs as she watches Monstro jump up as she tosses me into the air.  I was pretty sure that he wanted to eat me.  The whole thing was extremely tramatising.  I can’t remember the last time I watched Pinochio.
The worst dream I’ve ever had was a reoccuring son of a… that I had over and over again for about a year.  It was way back when I was dating my ex Stacie.  I start out walking into her apartment, and she is cooking Mac and Cheese.  That’s what we always ate together.  Anyway, in front of the door is a Calendar with the date November twentith circled on it.  That’s the day another one of my ex-girlfriends committed suicide on.  Anyway, I walk in and start to talk to Stacie.  Then I realize that she’s not talking back.  She’s just nodding and shaking her head.  When I ask her if something’s wrong, she just nods in the dirction of her bathroom.  I walk over to the bathroom and open the door.  I see the fauchet on the bathtub going, and Stacie is lying in the tub with her wrists spouting blood.  After seeing this, I run out to the kitchen to find out what’s going on.  Stacie is not there.  I run back and close the bathroom door, and soon bloody water starts to leak through the crack… I wake up crying.  I haven’t had that dream since we broke up.

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