Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Lake

The bulbs took their second adventure to Maple Lake over the fourth of July weekend.  For the most part, I had a lot of fun.  We spent our days tubing, swimming, and talking.  I was hungry for most of the weekend because I eat way more food than I should, so when I eat at other people’s houses I am always hungry.  Anyway, the first day we pretty much just chilled out.  There was a fire, and of course smores were involved.  I had three of them.  Then we set up the tent and went to sleep.  On the fourth we watched the fireworks people set off, and Kelsey’s siblings sent off a couple of their own until one almost set the neigbors house on fire.
Everyone seemed to have hurt themselves over the weekend.  Kailin fell down the steps and scrapped her arms.  Both her and Kayla got bad sunburns.  Kelsey got his in the nose by her brother’s head while they were goofing around, and she also banged her knee hard when we were tubing.
While we were swimming I saw half of a dead fish, and got really freaked out.  I hate fish.  They’re gross and some sting/bite.  When I was younger I hated going to the fish section of the pet store, and that was just goldfish.
The weekend was also filled with video games.  Old school mario kart on the nintendo 64.  I prefer MarioKart Double Dash for the game cube much more.  Takin’ it to the pixles.  One night when were in the tent, we started to tell stories.  I love Kailin.  "When they opened the tent there were two bears…!"  The rest is not the most appropriate thing in the world.  Then Kelsey’s "When they let him in, he came inside."  None of us are the best at on the spot improve stories, but Kailin’s always intertaining to listen to.
My favorite part of the whole thing was the last night we were there.  The four of us went on a long walk, just like last time.  Only this time it was late at night and we took a flashlight.  I loved it.  It felt like we were in the middle of nowhere.  Of course, it was a bit scary.  Everyone kept talking about someone jumping out of the trees and kidnapping us or something.  Kelsey and Kailin decided after a while that they had gone far enough and turned around to go home.  I wanted to keep going, so I told them to talk the flashlight and I’d continue.  They didn’t want to take the light, so then they just left.  Kayla came with me because she didn’t think I should be alone.  Kayla and I continued on to where we walked to last time.  Kelsey and Kailin were probably the smarter ones.  I am glad that Kayla didn’t let me go alone though.
Once we got back from the walk we went on another adventure.  We went swimming at about one in the morning… At least I think it was sometime around there.  There was lots of giggling invloved, but it was fun.

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