Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Being Sick

Finally I’m starting to feel better!  This past week I’ve been really sick.  I don’t think I’ve ever had such a bad sore throat.  I couldn’t even swallow my own saliva without making a big production of it.  It hurt really bad.  I’ll spare most of the details except to say that my left tonsil swelled up like a giant, soggy, moldy golf ball.  It was pretty gross.
I went to the doctor and everything, and got some antibiotics and some really weird stuff.  It’s called magic mouth wash.  I’m not even joking.  And they mixed it right up in the pharmacy.  It didn’t come with a list of ingredients or anything.  I thought it was a bit creepy, and joked about it being like witch doctor medicine or something.  I was supposed to gurgle and swish it around in the back of my throat and then swallow.  It was supposed to numb the pain and everything… which it did, but it made my throat feel really big.  Then there was still pain, but just a numbed sort of pain.
Well I’m better now.  Hopefully I should be able to go to work tomorrow.  I can’t really afford another day off.  Today I thought I’d be able to go in, but I left Dairy Queen shortly after I got there.  I didn’t even punch in.
I seriously thought I was going to have to get my tonsils removed or something this time around.  Wouldn’t that have been great?  A few weeks before band camp and I can’t practice, which means I wouldn’t be able to go to Texas.  Not that I’d be up for Texas by that time anyway.  I’m just being a drama queen I guess.  All’s well that ends well, right?

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