Wednesday, August 11, 2010

100 Things I Almost Hate

1. my non-insulin producing pancreas
2. tire swings
3. eye contact
4. sappy chick-flicks
5. itchy clothing
6. rapists
7. child abusers
8. people who lie to the car insurance companies- I could give you a specific name, but I won’t
9. Math
10. bifocals
11. being too hot
12. mornings
13. homework
14. the huge knot/lump I get on my shoulder from my sousaphone
15. bad movies based on good books
16. chapped lips
17. writer’s block
18. stress- the bad kind, I don’t mind all stress
19. clothing that is too tight
20. ignorant people
21. close minded people
22. public speaking
23. milk
24. meat with bones in it- I need all my meat to be processed and boneless
25. the dark
26. crowds
27. white walls
28. being wrong
29. The New York Yankees
30. change- not the money kind, the things are different kind
31. boredom
32. shin splints
33. history
34. ornery, particular, cheap, old people in restaurants
35. nightmares
36. allergies
37. sweating
38. doctor appointments
39. feeling left out
40. bratty children
41. being unorganized
42. blood draws
43. gross pictures in biology
44. not having my hair up
45. sitting still for long periods of time
46. lectures
47. automatic formatting for microsoft office
48. eating too much
49. indecisive people
50. talking to people that I don’t know
51. angry librarians
52. fish- they’re creepy
53. bad grammar in texts
54. pig lungs
55. annoying section leaders
56. rashes
57. Mondays
58. dropping my sousaphone on my head
59. making list of things I don’t like- it’s a bit depressing really
60. people you talk in chatspeak in real life
61. PDA- handholding and small pecks are okay
62. when batteries die
63. ankle socks
64. floodwater pants
65. Simplot and sugar beat smells
66. being touched by people I don’t like- my mom’s cousin does this all the time
67. the feeling of not showering in the morning
68. people who talk too much about nothing
69. walking through the snow in my canvas high tops
70. when my soda cup runs out at restaurants
71. being thirsty but full at the same time
72. quiet rustling sounds when I’m trying to take a test
73. when the last ball goes between the flippers in pinball
74. leftovers
75. slow internet
76. cutting myself at work
77. being alone
78. awkward silences
79. being ignored
80. group assignments
81. Peer Review
82. large group discussions
83. black coffee- I’ll scarf it if I have to because I’m a caffein addict
84. having a burp stuck
85. headaches
86. forgetting combinations to locks
87. shopping
88. dry skin
89. when I get so lost in my perfectionism that I can’t get anything completed
90. getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom
91. the air pressure in my ears when I’m coming down in an airplane
92. timed tests
93. professors who go too fast and don’t like to slow down or repeat things
94. coming across people on walks and trying to decided whether to make eye contact, say hi, smile, or just look away and pretend I didn’t see them
95. funerals
96. birds
97. when my tuning slide on my tuba won’t move
98. high healed shoes
99. when the printer’s out of ink
100. dolls with creepy stares painted on them

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