Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Little Peanut Butter

Peanut is slowly becoming a very spoiled mouse.  He gets pumpkin seeds, peanuts, yogurt chips, and today he got some fresh lettuce.  Not only that but he’s got a new toy.  It’s a playhouse… well, it’s a bunch of plastic that hooks together and makes something that resembles a playground.  It’s not very big.  I plan to buy more funnels and tubing soon so that it will be more fun to run around in.  I have to think of ways to keep him entertained and exercised because he doesn’t use his wheel… Well, not for running at least.  He puts his food on it and then buries it under bedding.  Also, he didn’t know how to use his water bottle at first, so I went out and bought a dish for him.  The next day I see him drinking out of the bottle so I put the dish away.  Dishes scare me for water because they’re not very sanitary.
There is some really cute stuff for mice out there.  There’s trains that they can run around and play on.  I saw a bridge the other day too.  Lots of different kinds of treats.  I bought him a nutty ball the other day.  It’s a bunch of wood chews twisted and locked together with a nut in the middle.  The idea is that he chews his way to the nut, but so far he’s just not going for it.  I shoved a peanut in there to see if he’d go for it then and he pulled the stupid thing out without even touching the wood.  Smart mouse.  Then I stuck a yogurt chip in there and it’s still in there.  Kelsey said it’s because I just give him treats so he doesn’t need to work for it.  Could be true, but it’s not like I give him treats twenty-four hours a day.
Peanut’s starting to warm up to me.  He’ll climb up my arm and run across my shoulder blades, then down the other arm.  His ears aren’t back when I hold him anymore.  He bit me twice today though, but that’s really the first time.  He has fun with his hamster ball too.  Twink never liked his ball.  He freaked out to much in it.  Peanut rolls around the kitchen, and he’s getting good at not running into things either.  Every once in a while I still watch him clunk into the fridge or something though.  I gave him a bath on Saturday.  He did not like me very much, let me tell you.  Poor little guy was wet and upset.  Anytime I tried to touch him he squeaked.  I’ve never heard a mouse make so many sad noises.  The rodent shampoo smells really good though, like raspberries.  But yeah… he’s pretty cute and getting friendlier every day.  Pretty soon he might even take treats while I’m holding him.  So far he’ll take treats from me, but only if he’s on solid ground and not in my hand.

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