Wednesday, August 11, 2010


1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post these rules on your blog
3. Tell about your six quirks
 4. Tag six bloggers to do the same, the lucky winners are
                         For the Fun of It
          Redneck Princess
          Head First Into the Kiddie Pool
          Highlight of my Day
          Shootin’ the Wit
          So it Goes
5. Leave them a comment and let them know you’ve tagged them

  My six quirks:
  1. I eat everything on my plate one thing at a time.  For example, I’ll eat all of my toast before I move onto my hashbrowns.  Once I have finished those, then I will eat my eggs.  I also don’t like my food to touch.
 2. I don’t match my shoes.  It started because I did it on accident one day, and after that I just started to do it.  I own twelve pairs of Converse Chuck Taylor hightops.  Now I have an actually reason for not matching my shoes.  I spend anywhere from forty to one hundred dollars on each pair, so it just makes sense to show off more than one pair at a time.
 3. I really like the front Courier or Courier New- if you couldn’t tell already.  Most of the stories I write use that font and I use it for messenger too.  I have ever since I had to write my first MLA research paper in eighth grade and that was the font we had to use.
 4. I’m a pack rat.  I collect all sorts of weird things and I can’t throw anything away.  I have one hundred empty Jones soda bottles scattered (neatly of course) about my room.  I have a bunch of "I AM LOVED" buttons that the jewelry store gives away, and I collect the pop tops off all the Monster energy drinks that I’ve had.  Also, I can’t throw away a pair of hightops.  I have two shoes on display on a shelf in my room.  One of the shoes is too small and the other one is ripped.  I did throw away those shoes’ opposites.
 5. I chew on everything.  It really doesn’t matter if I’m nervous or not, but if I am I do it more.  After exiting movie theaters I can be seen with a completely chewed up straw in my mouth.  It’s in there crumpled up and I’m chewing on it like bubblegum.  I’ll chew on the little plastic ring on soda bottles, my keychains, pencils, and pony tail holders.  I also bite my nails.
6. I come up with my best ideas in the shower.  With the last poem I wrote, the best stanzas were written in the shower.  I write everything in my head before I put it down on paper.  I’ve invented things in the shower too or come up with solutions to personal problems along with math problems.  If I get really frustrated about something I usually hop in the shower to work it out.  I’ve also thought of gifts to give people, written songs, and gotten inspiration for rearranging the furniture in my bedroom.

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