Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You Dress like a Twelve Year Old Boy, and Other Ramblings.

My mom said that I dress like a twelve year old boy.  In all fairness, I sort of do.  But I ask you, would a teenage boy ever wear hot pink musical t-shirt?  Chances are probably not.  My friend Mykel might have at one point, but he’s weird.  Okay, so maybe I don’t dress like the average eighteen year old girl… at all.  Not too many eighteen year old girls have comic book super heros on their shirts or wear guys cargo or carpenter pants.  There are a few reasons I wear guy jeans.  One, I don’t ever have to try on a pair of pants at the store.  Two, my insulin pen fits very nicely in the carpenter pocket along with my cell phone.  I don’t carry a purse.  Sometimes in the summer I have a backpack, but that’s only because I’m on my bike all the time.  My driver’s license has made me fat.  I swear it.  I don’t ride my bike nearly as much as I used to.  This summer I should get on that.
Work today was not fun.  One of my co-workers just decided to show up when she wasn’t on the schedule and work.  I think one of the managers should have kicked her out.  All she did was stress people out and confuse everyone.  I’m not even sure why she ended up working.  Other than a few things and a few choice people I rather like working at Dairy Queen though.  I only hope I don’t work there my whole life.  I probably wouldn’t mind working at the Kegs my whole life.  That’s my family’s drive in.  I’ve worked their since I was twelve, and I love it.  I didn’t always.  Working for family can be difficult, especially when teenage hormones are all out of whack.  I used to get in so many fights with my boss.  Now, I can joke around with my mom, and a bunch of my friends work their as well.  I love the days where the Kegs Drive in does special stuff and we get to carhop in poodle skirts.
Can infants read?  I’m watching an infomercial about this program that teaches babies to recognize words and read.  I don’t know what to think about that.  I should really change the channel or better yet turn the thing off.  "Television will rot my brain."  Yeah, probably.  The kids on the TV are cute though.
I saw the movie Inkheart today.  My best friend Kelsey and I went at midnight.  I should learn not to get my hopes up for book-movies.  In short, they most often suck.  To Kill a Mockingbird wasn’t bad though.  I mean, there are the select few that stick with their books.  Inkheart was horrible.  It’s such a good book and the movie destroyed it.  And yeah, you can say it’s impossible to put all the events in a book in the movie, but I have when the movies add, change, or go in a completely different direction for things.  That happened quite a bit.
I think my creative writing instructor is going to get me even more addicted to the internet than I already am.  I already spend a great deal of my time on facebook, gaia, and youtube.  Then of course there’s the hours I’ve spent playing on the Kevin Bacon game on imdb.  Now, I’m going to have to juggle in blogging as well.  Oh well, who really needs to do homework, right?  I used to have an xanga account that I posted on regularly, but I stopped.  Couldn’t really tell you why.  
I am probably the world’s worst procrastinator.  Last semester I actually waited until ten o’clock the day a final paper was due to start working on it.  My plan is to not do that this semester.

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