Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Imagination is more Important than Knowledge

For my class, we had to pick a quote and then write about it.  I actually had a hard time with this one, because I couldn’t find a quote that I could talk about and not sound like a rambling idiot.  That happens to me a lot.  Anyway…
The quote I chose was "Imagination is more important than Knowledge."  Albert Einstein said that, and I completely agree.  Imagination sparks everything.  It’s what gives children the ability to play, writers the ability to write, and scientists the spark to come with new ideas.  Without imagination I would be an empty shell, because coming up with new ideas, seeing things out of the ordinary, and creating things out of nothing is one of the few things I am good at.
I’m not saying knowledge isn’t important  However, someone could know everything in the entire universe, but where would it get them without imagination?  What could they do with the knowledge they’ve acquired?  It takes imagination to spark ideas and change the world.
The real magic is when imagination and knowledge work together.  Anything can be accomplished when the know how and right amount of creativity is put together.  The whole world has been formed from this combination.

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