Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Call Me Graceful

Imagine this: It’s a wonderful day outside.  The temperature is considerably warm for being January in North Dakota, and the only thing that could improve is it’s a bit windy.  What did I have to do today?  I worked.  And where does everybody decide to go when the weather is nice?  Dairy Queen, which is where I work.
Orders were coming in from all over the place, but the drive through just wouldn’t quit.  I was running around making blizzards and doing all this other junk.  A kid actually ended up getting sick in the front, and Javi went to go clean that up right away.  He’s my hero for that and also for working a double shift.  Anyway… shortly after that Javi spilled the ice cream’s drip tray and melted ice cream spilled over the floor.  He got the mop and got that mess taken care of.
Water makes the floor slippery.  I’m running around frantically trying to get all the orders and drive taken care of.  I grab this guys salad and run over to put it in a bag for him.  I slip on the water and fall, and it wasn’t one of those fall and catch my types either.  I completely wiped out!  I smashed my hip against the floor and banged my elbow as well.  It hurt.  I am so thankful that I didn’t cry, but I also have to thank the heavens that I did not drop the salad.  We were too busy to have to remake orders.

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