Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Very Own Little Cone Head

Penny got spayed a few days ago.  I thought about breeding her, but really what am I going to do with a bunch of Corgi puppies?  And besides that I don't really want to deal with the mess of her being in heat and everything.  So I decided it was just better all around to get her fixed.

I felt bad after I dropped her off.  It was like I was abandoning her.  I'm sure after they drugged her up and everything though she didn't even know I was gone.  Everything went as planned and I guess Penny recovered fine and all that.  When she came home though she was so sad and out of it.  I would be too after surgery.  Anyway, the poor thing has to where one of those Elizabethan collars because she keeps licking her stitches.

She's used to the thing now, but when she first got the thing on she kept running into everything.  When the collar would hit the wall or something she'd stop moving too with her head dropped.  And she'd just stand there like then until you'd come get her.  Now she has the hang of it and is running all over the house.  I'm afraid she's going to bust something open, but I've been checking it every day to make sure she hasn't.

Sometimes she's kinda cute with the collar on.   She'll push her toys around the floor with it.  She also pushes snow out of the way with the thing, kinda like a snow plow.  Then she'll flick it up in the air.  At night it's a pain because she likes to sleep with me and night and a platic cone digging into you is not very comfortable.  I can't wait for the two weeks to be up so she can get it off.

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