Sunday, December 19, 2010


Well since I posted a blog titled "Death" I figured I should at least make one titled "Life."  It's probably because death, as depressing as it is, has been on my mind quite a bit lately.  I've reached a point in my life where everything is coming together.  I like my job... most days.  I'm making enough money to support all my needs and even a few bucks left over for radom things like action figures and easy bake ovens.  So life's going well.

Life's funny that way.  One moment of life everything is going horribly, horribly wrong and you think there's no point to life at all and then the next moment everything is great.  Of course, getting to the great part after the bad part can take some work but eventually you get there.  I think it's important to focus on that part of life other than the all good things must come to an end part.  And when you're in a rut it's very important to focus on the fact that things will get better instead of thinking that, yeah, things will get better but then they'll only get bad again.  That will just mess you up.  Believe me.

So here's my bit of wisdom for you all.  And I'll admit it kinda sounds like something out of a Lifetime Christmas special, but here it is.  Life sucks.  That's all there is to it.  But there are little moments in life where it doesn't suck so bad where one might even be happy.  So my thoughts are that life is all about the little moments, and yes I realize so many people have said that before.  And every therapist out there will tell you to focus on the positive.  But it is so true.  Negaitivety and anger are two of the worst things out there.  I mean, they can eat you alive, especially if the one person you're truely angry at is yourself and your just directing it everywhere else.

Forgiving and forgetting is a touchy thing too.  Because you can't forget, and more importantly you shouldn't forget.  But then what exactly does forgiving mean?  I guess just to put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to understand.  Maybe what I'm trying to say is not to hold things against people and learn from the past and from your mistakes.

Lastly, just because you think something over, doesn't mean it really is.  Anger can be blinding.  But if it is truely over, don't dwell.  Move on as best you can and still try to live life to its fullest.  Even though there isn't one point to life that everyone can agree to, it's still precious.  I mean, love others and more importantly love youself.  And as cliche as this whole blog is, you've only got one life to live so go out there and cherish each moment of it.  After all, life is about the random little moments stuck in there between all the suck.

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