I started a vlog on youtube the other day. There isn't much on it. Just a response video I made. It had Penny listening to a song with a lot of weird noises. If you want to ever go watch the blog, feel free. My user name is totallyTUBAular. Here's the link to my channel. CLICK ME
Now, blogging I get. I don't feel stupid when I write or read when I write. And I totally understand that I write not only for others to read, but also for myself and for therapy reasons. The whole video journal thing is different. I suppose you could consider it a therapy, but in a different way then writing. Also, it's a lot of fun, especially when it comes to the overall youtube community. I like watching other people's videos and commenting on them, especially my friends. I might get the same experience out of blogging here on blogger though if I knew more people who had an account.
So feel free to go watch me make a fool of myself. My videos will mostly be my life being told through videos instead of the written word. One thing for sure though, I am not going to ignore my WORDS blog. I don't think I could ever replace writing with something else, not even bubble baths.
We should get ours rolling and even 'guest star' in each others. I think it would be fun.