Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Small Dog Owners

So I hate small dog owners.  And yes, having a Welsh Corgi that will only grow to about twenty-five pounds puts me in that category, but I realize that big dogs can be cute, loving, and friendly too.  I took Penny and Blitzen to the dog park the other day.  It was Penny's first time there.  I've been waiting for her rabies shot to kick in so I could finally take her.  The two of them had a lot of fun, until this idiot of a dog owner with two little grown dogs about the size of Penny came in.

He saw Blitzen and the first thing he did was pick up his dogs.  Now at the dog park, Blitzen likes to-imagine this- play with the other dogs.  He went over to say hi to this man's dogs and when he picked them up, Blitzen got really close to the man and started sniffing his dogs.  That how dogs say hello, right?  But then the man started spinning and turning so that Blitzen couldn't get to his dogs.  What does Blitzen do?  He jumps.  Now, he doesn't jump on the man but he just jumps in the air next to the man.  And Blitzen is a pretty big German Shepherd.  I apologize and explain that he just wants to play with his dogs.  The man says, "Well this one just got bit by a shepherd not too long ago so she's a bit nervous."  I looked at the dog he was referring to.  She didn't look nervous.  Little dogs shake when they're nervous.  Their tail goes between there legs.  They hide behind their owners.  This dogs ears were up, eye wide.  Its tongue was hanging out of its mouth, which was giving one of those dog smiles.  Its tail was up and wagging and if it could talk it would have said, "Put me down.  I'm ready to play."  Obviously the dog wasn't nervous, the owner was.

So Blitzen finally leaves this man and his dogs alone... for a while anyway.  Eventually the man puts the dogs down and Blitzen runs right over to play.  The dogs are just doing what dogs do.  They're smelling each other and getting to know one another.  No hackles are up.  No teeth are showing.  There's no growling.  And there's no sign of any one getting bit.  The man says, "Oh well he should be on a leash." I just rolled my eyes.  Penny and Blitzen had been there for a while so I decided it would just be best if we just left.  But it was taking me a while to catch Blitzen and in the mean time the man goes, "Well I think we're going to leave."  And then they left.  I took Blitzen and Penny home anyway.

Now I realize Blitzen is a big dog and can seem intimidating, but really he's just overly friendly.  The only time I've ever really seen him flip out is when there is a cat sitting in his front yard and he sees them through the window or when Charlee nips at him from the safe location of under a chair.  At the dog park, Blitzen runs around with the other dogs and if one of them gets aggressive he usually backs off.  There have been a few times where he gets into a fights, but he's a dog and once you call him off he forgets about it and starts playing with someone else.  My grandma says they're thinking about getting another dog park just for small dogs, which I think is a terrific idea.  But until then, if you're afraid of big dogs don't bring your dogs to the park.  It's a public dog park.  More than likely there will be big dogs there.

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