Sunday, September 26, 2010

To Tuba or not to Tuba

Football season is here, and with that comes marching band.  I'll be completely honest with you.  This year I've been thinking about quitting the band.  This is the first year I haven't been giving one hundred percent to the band.  I barely have any of my music memorized... if any at all.  I also barely know my sets, and I hate that.  There seems to be too much going on this year.  I don't know what that means though because I'm not doing anything.  I have work and I have marching band.  I would have no life without the band.  I mean, I would.  It's just my entire life would consist of Jimmy John's, which by the way I got a job at for those of you that don't know.  It's going well.

Saturday was my first game since I mist the Potato bowl last week.  And it reminded me why I love marching band.  I love the feeling after a pregame or half time show.  Of course, since I don't know my music for half time, I just got that feeling after pregame.  It's the feeling of being completely out of breath from marching around while playing a tuba, but at the same time feeling accomplished at a job well done.  I also love the feeling of jamming out in the stands even if it is to just "Short #3" or something.  I love the feeling when the drum majors call out one of my favorite songs to play like "Pretty Fly" or "Tear the Roof of the Sucker."  If you watch me closely in the stands, you can see my body sway to the music along with my right arm as I push down the valves.

I am a band geek through and through.  Fall doesn't mean football season for me.  It means marching band.  I find it so much fun, but this year just isn't going right.  I just don't seem to care as much.  And I hate myself for not caring.  I hate myself for not knowing the music.  I hate myself for not going to practice and putting forth the effort.  I was so sure I was going to quit, but then Saturday was so much fun, even though I didn't do nearly as well as I could have with the shows.  Maybe if I talk to the director I can just do pregame or play in the stands, but I'm not sure if that will fly.  The worst part is that if I don't do marching band, I can't do hockey band either.  And I love that.  For the record though, I like marching on the field better and I can't stand hockey.  Women's hockey is an available option for me with the marching band though.  I don't know what I'm going to do.  Practice is tomorrow and I'm going to talk to my director.  I need to decide soon though.  This weekend the band is going to go to South Dakota for the game.

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